Raziel Tabib: GitOps – Episode 294


  • Managing configuration drift in Kubernetes environments.
  • Ensuring consistent deployments across multiple clusters.
  • Integrating GitOps principles into existing workflows.


  • Utilizing GitOps tools like Argo CD for automated deployments.
  • Implementing continuous monitoring and validation processes.
  • Adopting best practices for GitOps to maintain consistency.


  • Improved deployment reliability and consistency.
  • Enhanced scalability and management of Kubernetes clusters.
  • Streamlined workflows with automated processes.

Raziel is the Senior Vice President of Codefresh at Octopus Deploy. He is an entrepreneur, technology enthusiast, and software developer at heart. He is the Founder of Codefresh and is passionate about accelerating the way software is disrupting our day-to-day life by simplifying the way we deploy applications.

Topics of Discussion:
[02:23] When Raziel first got interested in making a difference in the industry.
[03:05] The role of the software developer has evolved over time.
[07:11] What is GitOps?
[14:46] Overlap with the concept of infrastructure as code.
[14:57] Simplifying software deployment using GitOps.
[20:44] Why it’s an exciting time to be in software development.
[22:55] What can we do with Codefresh?
[25:24] Does Codefresh work with other infrastructure types?
[26:29] Storing and managing application configuration and infrastructure code in separate Git repositories.
[29:10] What are the most common reasons this infrastructure repository would have a commit pushed to it?
[35:27] Codefresh joining Octopus Deploy.